How to sell with us
Kurated Luxury is one of the leading buyers of Hermès and Chanel handbags and accessories in the secondary market. We prefer to purchase store fresh, pristine bags. In addition to outright purchases, we accept bags on consignment and as partial payment for a bag we have in stock.
All purchase prices are negotiated on an item-by-item basis, but typically we pay between 60% and 90% of the market price, depending on the euro value of the item.
Bags consigned with us have the potential for a greater payout than outright purchase and may be a preferable option for those having store fresh bags seeking to maximize the return on their bags. Most used bags are taken only on consignment or as partial payment for a bag we have in stock. Used bags must be in new or near new condition.
If you have an item you wish to sell please contact
- Include the Product title, size and color in the subject of your email.
- In the body, please include information about the product: where did you buy it, what condition is it in, what are its inclusions, do you have the original invoice.
- Include 3-4 photos and a video.
- State your asking price.
- If we agree to buy your bag and you agree to sell it, we will send you a contract with the sale conditions for you to sign and a DHL shipping label.
- All boxes and its contents must be packed securely. We suggest using bubble wrap or plastic recycling bags to reduce risk of damage.
- On receipt of the item, we will inspect and authenticate it, refine the final price, if necessary, and contact you with the final price.
- On agreement, you will be paid typically in three business days.
- If you do not agree to the price offered by us, you will be responsible for the return shipping cost.
- The form of payment is chosen by you but typically payments are done via a bank wire.